Hey I'm working on my 97 F-150 right now and thought it was my fuel pump. I did some tests and found out it was not my fuel pump it was that my fuel pump wasn't getting power nor was I getting spark. I then found what I'm pretty sure is the problem. I checked my fuses and my PCM fuse was blown I replaced it and when I did my fuel pump started spewing fuel and I had spark. The truck started right up but went 10 ft and blew another fuse. So it still wont run but I think I'm getting closer to figuring this thing out... I am going to look into my coil pack for my spark plugs an see if that is blowing my PCM fuse. If you already have this thing figured out please let me know .... And maybe it will work for me.. Thanks
I have a 1995 F150 5.0 V8 and when I turn the key nothing happens, I have checked all the fuses, and there ok. If I climb under the truck and touch the two post on the started it will turn over but still doesn't start. If I try to start it by turning the key nothing happens it doesn't even turn over. Any ideas?
I have a 96 ford f 150 every now and then it will not start, eventually it will start by turning the key off and and retrying. Any ideas?
Could be fuel pump relay (usually under hood) , or PCM relay. Your vehicle probably has a switch that cuts off the fuel in case of accident or rollover. Once I had this trip after a huge bump. All I had to do was press a button on it, and then my car would start. Owners manual would tell location of this switch.
1. No Fuel in tank.
2. Blockage in tank.
3. Blockage in carb.
2. Blockage in tank.
3. Blockage in carb.