Where Is The Fuel Filter On A 1993 Chevy Astro Van?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drivers side frame rail.   I don't think that it is your problem, since even clogged - it should try to start.   Anyway,  You'll need line wrenches to do it without stripping the line nuts and I believe a 1/2" socket to remove the bracket that holds the filter.   Make sure you haven't had the key on for at least an hour for the pressure to slightly subside and have a drain pan since it holds a bunch of fuel.    I sometimes wrap the line ends with paper towels and hold it level until it hits the pan...Joel
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I own a 1996 and a 97 Astro van. If it has fuel injection it's on the left frame rail just forward of the fuel tank. It will be a little smaller than your fist

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