I Have A Vin Number And Need To Find The Owner That The Car Was Last Registry Too And How Do I Look This Up In The Computer?


3 Answers

Charlotte St. Aubyn Profile
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) checks or chassis number checks are an excellent way to combat vehicle ‘cloning’, a scam that has grown at an alarming rate over the last few years. Cloning is a term used to describe a vehicle that has had its identity changed, usually because it is actually a stolen vehicle.

All a scammer has to do is go to a salvage yard and write down the registration number of a scrapped vehicle, then find the same vehicle, same colour, and put new registration plates bearing the number of the vehicle seen at the salvage yard onto any stolen vehicle.

However, if someone were to look a little closer and write down the VIN, then by using the www.mycarcheck.com VIN check service, they would discover that it would not match. If this has happened to you, then you should call the Police immediately. 

Professional car thieves will actually attempt to change the VIN on a vehicle so look closely to see if it looks original and always check under the bonnet for the second marker. You can also call 0870 241 4259 and you will be given free advice on where the VIN is located on any given vehicle.

Most VINs are displayed on the nearside (passenger side) of the windscreen. You will be able to see this from outside the vehicle, but always find the second VIN under the bonnet. Another good idea is to check the engine number as most car crooks do not bother to doctor this.

Remember that all UK VINs over the last 10 years are composed of 17 numbers and letters. Be careful with Z and 2 and with 5 and S, these are common errors as to why a VIN will not match a legitimate vehicle.
Janet Pierce Profile
Janet Pierce answered
If you have the title, in some states the info is there. If not, carfax is your next best bet.

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