
How Do You Fix A Car Sump Leak?


3 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
The sump or oil pan is located at the bottom of the vehicle. It is used to collect the oil that drains from the engine and have it re-pumped back into the engine block. Most cars use a wet slump system, but race cars are an exception. The oil pump gathers up the oil in the sump and redistributes the same at the top of the engine.

In case there is a leak in the sump oil will start to be lost, the pump will not have oil to send to the top and the engine may soon start to develop problems. To fix the sump it has to be removed from the car. You will have to have an alternate pan kept under the engine when the sump is removed. The leak once discovered can be fixed by having it welded or welding on a patch of metal in its place.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a leak in my sump its a small split and I know exactly where it is can it jus be welded?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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