
How Long Can Your Car Be Impounded If You Loan It To Someone Who Doesn't Have A License Or Has Had Their License Suspended?


4 Answers

James Kent Profile
James Kent answered
This figure will vary from state to state because of America’s federal system, and for this answer, we’re going to use the example of California. If you loan your vehicle to someone who doesn’t have a license, or a person who has had their ability to drive a vehicle in California suspended because of a DUI offense or another criminal act, you may be without your car for up to 30 days.

California, like many states, takes a hard line when it comes to people who are unauthorized to drive on their roads. All foreign licenses expire after 10 days in arrival in California, and this is because of how the regulations and rules surrounding driving in America are likely to be considerably different to the practices in a person’s native country. Indeed, this policy also extends to drivers from other states; you will need to register with Californian authorities if you’re looking to drive in this state for longer than this 10-day grace period.

With the financial sanctions associated with driving offenses being quite high, you really need to think about whether it’s worth your time to risk lending your car to an unlicensed driver. You could face a penalty, and your friend could be jailed with a bail amount of $1,000. This doesn’t even account for the fines that they may also have to pay, and $2,700 is the most that can be levied when a person drives without a license. If the person was also under the influence of alcohol, speeding, or violating driving codes, this fine can rise even further - and the judges are rarely lenient.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bryan Emmons Profile
Bryan Emmons answered
The courts can out a hold on the car until the court date if they wish. Sometimes can be up to thirty days. By that time you have acquired much impound fees.

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