
How To Build A Hover Car Out Of Magnets?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To make a hover car you need magnets powerful enough with a negitive charge to get of the ground
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
there are a few ways 1 there is a theory that if you spin mecury around fast enough near magnets it creates a magnetic field
2 use a electro magnet when electricfyed makes a force pushing against the earths magnetic layer
3 mah theory if use use darkmatter from inploded planets witch still has a magnetic strength it would go as far as you wanted  just has to electricfy it or magnify it more or put in more quantedtys
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Basically all you have to do is use magnets to create a magnetic de attraction and then put a car on it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is the third best thing I've ever read on the internet. Thank you for the hilarity!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not going to answer this question.  You could be Osama Bin Laden, and hover cars could do some serious damage... Go crawl back into the underground hole on the other side of the world you came out of!

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