Yes and have no idea and I'm not going to ask.
Lololollolol no and no lol!!!
i dont know where i was concieved and i would rather not know
This is my hubby's first car. A 1972 Plymouth Fury wagon. When you folded the seat down in the back there was a lot of room. Yes, we did a lot of parking. But good little dragonfly's don't do things like that. ;)
I grew up in FL, so if you became enamored while out in the woods, it was either in the car or get eaten alive by mosquitoes. No one wants a mosquito bite in an awkward place.
This is one of those yes-and-no answers.
I was born toward the end of the Great Depression and there were very few cars per head of population in Australia at that time. Certainly my parents never owned one. That's the "No" part of the answer.
I'm gonna plead the Fifth about the Yes part.
Does a car wash count ? :)
Not really! Isn't it stressful ?? There's so many more peaceful places than a car!
but . . Ummm how about on the hood ? :)))