
Lower Headlight Beams Must Be Used When Approaching Within __________ Of An Oncoming Vehicle Or When Following Within __________ Of The Rear Of Another Vehicle?


1 Answers

Nicole Manion Profile
Nicole Manion answered
The use of headlamps should not be used in "any manner that would dazzle or cause discomfort to another road user" which basically means that your headlamps can remain on unless you notice it is a hazard.

  • What official documentation says

The Highway Code specifies that you must only use your full beams in adverse weather conditions i.e. When visibility is reduced to the point that the driver cannot see the road ahead. Use of full beams in normal conditions, even at night, can dazzle other drivers and must not be used.

You should not use your full beams when coming close to another vehicle either to over-take or whilst coming to a stop.

There are some scenarios that are not really explained or covered in the Highway Code such as motorway driving and or night-time driving which are probably the most likely instances that full beams or headlights would be used. More importantly, there doesn't seem to be any distances specified.  It does however say that headlights should only be used in areas that do not have street lamps, a rule that is contrary to most driving conduct.

  • What do drivers do when on the road?

In reality you may find that drivers tend to act out of common courtesy and do not drive constantly at night with their full-beams on; instead they dip them when they realise there is oncoming traffic ahead. Likewise they would never drive up behind you with them on. If you are experiencing being dazzled by drivers behind that have their normal headlights on then you can often adjust your mirror which usually has a two way mechanism that dims the reflection.

These rules seem to suggest that, in regards to using lights, they should be used in a manner that promotes safety. Please note that Blurtit is not an official road safety guide and therefore the Highway Code should always be consulted as a guide for road conduct.

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