How Do I Find Out Who My Car Is Insured With?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would recommend a simple test before you go looking to see who your car is insured with. This test would be to see if you car is actually insured or not. If your car is English it should be on the MID database. The police check the Motor Insurance Database (MID) 2,500 times an hour and can stop or seize vehicles they reasonably believe to be uninsured. You can check your car for free if you know the registration plate.

A website like will tell you if you car is on the database or not. However, be warned as these things aren't perfect. Once you have found out if you car is insured or not.

Unfortunately, I cannot find a website or a way of finding out if a car is insured with a particular insurer easily. The only way I can think of suggesting is to ring around the companies you think you might have used. However, to aid you I would suggest this. Enter your details on a price comparison website. This is because you are likely to have gone with the cheapest insurance you can find (as any sensible person would). Therefore you might want to work you way down that list. If this fails then it would be worth reinsuring your car, and putting the paperwork in a place you know you will not lose it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I cannot remember which insurance company my car is insured with. How can I find out the name of the company
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How can I find out if I have car insurance cover can I do it by entering my car registration into a particular web site
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have lost my paper work on my car insurance. But don't know who it is insured with
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Y892hoo is insured
Heather Goodall Profile
Heather Goodall answered
First off with whom is the bill coming from?? That is with whom your insurance is with. Unless you have used an independent and then you can call the person you have been dealing with and they can tell you exactly who they wrote the policy for.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I have a similaer problem and I paid over the phone, dont remember if it was on a credit card or debit.My credit card company said they cannt go back more than 6 months and my bank says no records of an insurance payment.Would be grateful if someone has an answer.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive just got my license back after a ban and don't want to drive as my insurance documents have not come through yet and don't want to get done for a technicality is there any way I can find out I'm definately insured
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have an accident and the other driver gave me fleet insurance as his insurance, how do I know which of the fleet he is talking about?
samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
Look in your check book to see who you made the payment to. If you're still insured, it would only have been 30 days ago. Stay off the weed!! It affects your memory.

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