Wow! New Jersey is trying to outlaw drinking coffee in cars while driving. House bill a1908. Is the government going nuts??


9 Answers

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

It might sound crazy, but people get into just as many accidents eating, drinking and doing all sorts of other things while driving as when they're on the phone.  I think someone can certainly wait to drink their coffee until they can do it without compromising their concentration on driving.  People spill their coffee and drop things they shouldn't be fiddling with while driving and run off the road or into other motorists or pedestrians.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

That won't be easy to pass but it actually makes some sense. Drinking a cup of coffee while driving can be distracting. Seems like a waste of time and money though as I still see people on their phones and texting and some women putting on make-up while driving. Don't know what the accident rate in New Jersey is but that might have something to do with it. I actually never drank coffee in the truck while I was driving.

HappyTo BeHereTo Profile

Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee.  Don't get between me and my coffee.  Although, I don't drink and drive.

I'm all for safety, but this sounds like over regulation.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Interesting ☕

Maurice Korvo Profile
Maurice Korvo answered

BC (British Columbia, Canada) has a similar law. If you do not have both your hands on the wheel (10 and 2 o'clock positions) they will stop you for distracted driving. They have even stopped people with standard transmissions, when they changed gears.

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Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
Somebody needs to teach them proper driving skills, then.
The best position is not 10 and 2. It's actually 7-8 and 4-5. They did some research on this, and that's where you maintain the best control.
Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I'm not gonna be too surprised by it. Although, following Rooster i am not aware of records and rates back in New Jersey. But i also believe it's playing a huge role in this decision. I don't think this decision is a sign of craziness of government or lack of control.(state governs nor federal govern)  this decision is about when you find no other option and you convinced that it would help to reduce danger and take a better control over those ignorant people out there. (whether if it be right or if it works) we must see. The point is nobody would create such laws for such small things (in compare of other issues) unless they feel it's getting out of control. (and  let's never forget sometimes small things can cause big damages, things that we would never imagine it could end up too horrible) so i don't really blame them.

In the same time, there are many alternatives, why would you drink your coffee in your car while driving ? Even if there be no law it's still not suit. I never talk on the phone nor drink such while driving. I''m behind the wheel to drive not to serve meal. And if i'm on a hurry, i get something before or after i got rid of my busy schedule and if i can't catch such time, it's my own lack of ability on planning and scheduling. These actions are violating other's rights as you could put your life and others in danger and break many driving rules while on the road. Maybe putting such law is only thing to control those kind of people. Nobody knows.

Cool Spot Profile
Cool Spot answered

Actually a very large amount of people are getting in car accidents and even dieing because of drinking coffee. People get those really big starbucks cups and they cant see the road while that huge cup is in front of them. Im for it.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

People are distracted by all sorts of things.

Of course, you KNOW they are going to have a "loophole" for police/etc.

Technically, all anyone needs in order to qualify for the "emergency personnel" exemptions to such laws, is a HAM license. 

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