How Can I Make A 351 Windsor Fit In My 66 Mustang? The Headers Won't Fit Between The Shock Towers.


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ugg one more year older and you wouldn't have this problem. This is common problem as 351 is very tight for a 64-66. I would never cut on the shock towers unless you bring the stability back in through welding. Both Hooker and Hedman make headers for this specific swap, I think that will be you best bet, though not cheep.

-by the way I have a 58 ford f100 with a 289
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
I knew what you meant when you said 64-66. Actually those are the only years I have owned (2)65s well one was a 64.5 and two 66s a coup and the 2+2 I am attempting the 351 swap.
I got the Hedman shorties recommended by PAW but they still don't fit. Would you think there's a chance I would have better luck with the Hooker?
Anonymous commented
The Hedman shorties should defiantly fit. What is interfering with the installation, ie what part of the shock tower? If there is a way to PM on this site i will give you my email and you can send me some pictures. If anything it might be just a bit of tin that needs hammered back at this point. Let me know.
Anonymous commented
Guess either you forgot to wish me luck or your wish just didn't come true.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go through jegs and get the headmen headers for it they fit but its goin to be a tight fit I did the swap in my 66 or you could get in contact with hooker and they have them too
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have A Chevy Stomp on it should fit fine!

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