If you don't mind paying a small fee, then checking to see if your license is suspended is easy enough at dmv.org/driving-records.php.
The fee (if applicable), and the process involved, depends upon which state your license is held.
If you did want to use such a site, this again depends upon where you live. For example, if you lived in Washington State, you could try: fortress.wa.gov/dol/dolprod/dsdDriverStatusDisplay
Bear in mind this site this will only give you a yes or no answer as to whether your license is valid or not. Drivers in Georgia can check online.dds.ga.gov/DLStatus. Most states would have similar yes/no websites too.
Other sites provide a more general service, often used by employers to check their employees have a good safety record. These include 4safedrivers.com and drivingrecord.idrivesafely.com.
For another Blurtit response to this question, go to How Can I Find Out If My License Is Suspended For Free? or check out this YouTube film as to whether American drivers need a license at all: