Stop by your local auto supply store and ask them to plug their OBD (on board diagnostics) reader into your vehicle. If there really is a problem it will show a code that says what needs to be fixed. If there is no problem they can push a button that clears the warning.
Try unhooking the negative side of the battery for about thirty seconds if that doesnt work it will need to be erased off the computer at a chevy dealership. Usually free of charge.
They are not allowed to clear the code at an auto parts store. They could get a $10,000 fine if they do. My hubby works at AutoZone.
I have a96 cvy astro 4.3 vortec engine .my ignition would not turn to the off position to release the key . Then I was slightly rear ended and my power stering and brakes stopped working for over a week until I was backing up and felt a tug and they started working again but they still cease every once in awile thanks for any advice . Mark leaver @ [email protected]