
How Do I Remove Blood Stain On Car Seat Fabric?


6 Answers

Crystal Profile
Crystal answered
In a spray bottle, mix a small amount of laundry detergent in with fresh hydrogen peroxide, and gently shake it to mix it. Spray on the stain; it will start bubbling up. Scrub and blot with a clean rag or white paper towel. This works for all protein-based stains (blood, pet stains, etc), and even red wine. If you have cats that leave a hairball on the carpet (even white carpet), you can spray the mixture directly on and just wipe it up with a paper towel - no rinsing.
Leslie duno Profile
Leslie duno answered
Hydrogen peroxide...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Contact the police dept. I'm sure they will get rid of your stain... (And your seat)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hydrogen peroxide.. First try somewhere to check if it'll stain the fabric if it doesnt then use it on blood and try not to rub
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'd recommend trying to soak it in hydrogen peroxide then blotting with a damp sponge.  I came across a really helpful article about cleaning up all kinds of crazy messes and you might want to try some of the suggestions from the article at  I wish I had more answers, but I think one of these suggestions should help.

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