Depends on my mood.
Well, since I can't drive, I'll say passenger.
Passenger, a.k.a. Copilot. My job is to provide the entertainment from my downloaded files, pay attention to the signs, Google the maps and hand out refreshments.
Mr. Happy is a TERRIBLE copilot. He can't figure out the technology. He farts. He stares out the side window. Eventually, he falls asleep.
I like to drive, but I don't mind being the passenger depending on who the driver is.
the passenger.
Driver---at least if the option is my sister-in-law. (Sorry, Jean)
The passenger. When I worked, I drove 32 miles each way. Now, I like someone else to do the driving.
Passenger for sure. If I won the lottery, the first thing I'd retain is a lawyer and then a driver to take me there 😄. I'd love to have a chauffeur!
Driver, but if my wife is with me, it is sometimes easier for her to drive since she can get car-sick pretty easy if I don't pay close attention to how I'm driving.
Driver (control freak - no)
Driver too many drunks on the road and u have to be able to drive around them. My ex was a terrible driver
I prefer driving...I have control issues and I hate when I have to use my imaginary brake in the passenger seat ... It doesn't work :/
Driver. I absolutely love driving.
I'm a driver. I don't mind being a passenger if one of my brothers is driving, but I don't trust a lot of other people to drive. My husband really makes me nervous. He is actually one of those types of drivers that I find myself swearing at when I drive.
I drive. I don't get driven.
But mostly at night it depends on the condition of traffic. People who have not and dont drive late at night have no idea how much better it actually is. There so many reasons why the day is worse for driving.
What about you ROY?
Do you prefer to be the author or the victim?
Which ever one you choose you have to take,
responsibly for the entire trip.
(Free Will)