You are so funny dimple! Most men have at least a little tinkeritis in them, but there are some that don't, like that certain type of clothing designer, lol. Mine sputters out 1/2 way through the vroom period sometimes, and needs 'special attention' to get it going again. Lol
The toy's just get more expensive. Boys never truly grow up. They seem to be born with that particular propensity. My son was fascinated with buttons, knobs, switches, etc...Most men can not even resist a new vacuum cleaner. They have to take it for a spin, when you get it.

I get what you mean, my guy is a Mr. Fix it around here. It is really handy until you want the attention.
Funny, funny! i think baby boys are born with an ingrained desire to go vroom vroom and push objects around the place like cars,
maybe if you put some foam dice around your neck and wear new car smell fragrance it would help
maybe if you put some foam dice around your neck and wear new car smell fragrance it would help
No...actually, some ♀women♀ do as well...vroom lmao ♥Nassy

All the men I know love to tinker on cars, trucks, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, ANYTHING with a motor in it! It must help them relax, I think..kind of how shopping relaxes me. ☺
Well, it's no secret. We like things that go vroooom. If you want in on it, you should get oiled up so you can go fast.
I really don't care about cars to be honest. They are contraptions that take you places. Yeah, doesn't really capture my intrest.