
What Is Car In Spanish?


4 Answers

Charlotte St. Aubyn Profile
The English word "car” in Spanish translates directly as Coche. There are several other derivatives, however, for different automobiles. "Automovil” translates into automobile for a wider description.
Different varieties of car also have different translations. Limousine, for example, translates as limusina.

To describe what kind of car it is, automatic translates as automatico. If you wish to describe the colour of a car, in Spanish the word car comes before the colour. This is the other way around in English. For example, we would say "The red car” where as in Spain they would say "El coche roja”. This would translate back into English as "The car red”. Car brands, such as Ford or Vauxhall, do not change their names into Spanish and stay in their English form, because they are company names. "Van” translates as furgoneta, "lorry” as camion. The plural of the word Coche is simply coches.

A lot of the Spanish words for automobiles are very similar to those we use in England. This is because the word was invented by the British, or English speaking countries, to describe an invention they had made, and the Spanish then simply adapted the word to fit their own language rules. The same goes for some French words, as well as other European countries.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are two ways to say car in spanish. One way is "carro" and the other is "coche"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Carro or coche. In Spain coche is more common whereas in the rest of the Spanish speaking world carro if most common and coche is reserved for luxury cars, limos, etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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