How Fast Can The Fastest Plane Go?


15 Answers

mike chosewood Profile
mike chosewood answered
The Lockheed sr-71 blackbird is, to date, the fastest plane ever built.

Top speed is above 2200 miles an hour - which is about 3 times the speed of sound and also can fly around 80000 feet which is 15 miles above earth.

It is said that at top speed the temperature is about 800 F degrees on the outside of the plane

pete bradley Profile
pete bradley answered
The fastest plane goes at mach 3+ its the sr 71 can fly over utah in 4 minutes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The record is 7460mph
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mach 8 for some old military fighters, that stopped working and costs tons of dollars ...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
0.5mph...for toy planes that is but normal planes can get up to very high speeds of about 7000mph
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mikesude is right all speeds above the 3.2 M are for missiles or rockets like 8 M
1 M = 1225 kph
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The X15 is the fastest man flown plane ever built.  You people need to get your answers right.

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