
How Do You Obtain A Class B License In Redding, California?


1 Answers

Arlene Fernandes Profile
In order to get a Non-commercial Class B license, you will first need to complete the requirements necessary for what is known as a Non-commercial Class B permit. You will then need to call a DMV CDL office in order to schedule a driving test appointment.

You will need to bring your house car along with you. Remember to carry out a vehicle safety check. You will have to pass a skills test as well as a driving test. You will get an interim license after passing your driving test. This will be valid only until you get a new photo license sent to you via mail.

Make sure you verify your address prior to leaving DMV. If you find that you have still not received the new photo license after 60 days, you can call to check on the status of the same.

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