What Features Should I Consider Before Purchasing A Balance Bike?


3 Answers

Arthur  Harrison Profile
Arthur Harrison answered

"10 things you should consider before purchasing a Balance Bike".

1. Seat Height & Adjustability2. Bike Weight3. Bike Frame Materials

4. Bike Tires

5. Word of Mouth6. Brakes

7. Steering Limiter

8. Handgrips9. Footrest10. Warranty

Shawn Hansen Profile
Shawn Hansen , Kid's bike Trainer., answered

Before choose the best balance bike, you really need to know about some important things of the balance bike.

  • Design of the bike. When you choose something for your kids, you consider your kid’s choice, of course. What types of balance bike you want and what design will be liked by kids.
  • Bike frame. Balance bike has three types of the frame such as metal (steel and aluminum), plastic and wood. The bike frame is considered according to child age. Besides, long-lasting and weight of the bike also depend on the frame.
  • Weight of the bike. The weight of the bike is a most important consideration before going to buy the best balance bike. Surely, you don’t want to buy a bike which gives your kids a nightmare when they go to handle or ride it. Lighter weight balance bikes are advantageous for every kid, so you should choose a balance bike which is less weight from his/her body weight. Generally, a balance bike should be less than 30% of a child’s body weight.
  • Seat height. Balance bikes are generally made for kids of 1.5 to 5-year-old and the seat heights of the bike range are 10” to 26.5”. So you should buy a bike which has an adjustable seat height.
  • Bike Tires. Two main types of balance bike tires are air (pneumatic) and solid foam and many balance bike tires are made of rubber and plastic. Actually comfortable ride and the weight of the bike depend on the bike tires.

  • Brakes. Majority numbers of balance bikes have no brakes because the main source of stopping is kid’s feet but many balance bikes have hand brakes. Hand brakes are a secondary option that is extremely advantageous. Actually, the hand brake is extra concentration option that is tough for kids of 1.5 to 3 years old; they are not used to in this option. So hand brakes are appropriate for 3.5 to up age’s child.

Definitely, you want to buy the best balance bike for your child because your child needs to learn balance through a comfortable ride. We hope you will get a balance bike that will be matched with your desired features, budget, and your child’s age.

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