Where Are Timing Marks For 96 Chrysler 3.5 Engine For Timing Belt Crank And Cams 24 Valve?


2 Answers

David Cheevers Profile
David Cheevers answered
Can you please write the question right and ill tell you the answer ?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Replaced water pump on 96Chy 3.5 engine timing belt for cams 24 Valve Need to know timing mark alinement for cams and crank there are 2 marks for cams? Where is the timing mark for crankshaft
Anonymous commented
Need to know camshaft alineing marks and crankshaft mark replaced water pump and camshaft moved during install of water pump 96 Chryler LHS 24 V 3.5 L.Does crankshaft have a mark?and whick mark do I use for camshafts there are 2 marks on each head
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The marks are visable there are two marks on each head line the one on the sprockets in the middle of each one    the crank mark is in the center on the block just above and behind the crank shaft gear

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