What Are The Two Main Forces Acting On A Plane At Taking Off?


7 Answers

Rena Chisholm Profile
Rena Chisholm answered
I see this Is your homework Grampa!!!!
Oops, I'll probably get another bad rating for this one.
 Are you going to aeronautical school, Grandpa?
Aren't you going to retire soon?
Anyway, I think you are right. Thrust and lift.
thanked the writer.
Rena Chisholm
Rena Chisholm commented
Husband thinks it's gravity and resistance.(drag) But, he was a helicopter crew chief, so don't rely on that. lol.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would guess gravity and lift.
I'm sure someone will let me know if I am wrong.
thanked the writer.
sisele sisele
sisele sisele commented
yeah that was what i was thinking but surely if it was that the forces would be equal so the plane wouldn't go up. Maybe it's thrust and lift as the plane is going forwards as well as up
Anonymous commented
So, at take off thrust and lift are overcoming gravity and drag or friction. I think I get it, Thanks
Rena Chisholm
Rena Chisholm commented
Excellent deduction, jb185. Five stars for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why only two?
There are four significant forces acting on a plane at take off (and flight):

  1. Thrust

  2. Friction (drag)

  3. Gravity

  4. Lift (dependant on velocity of air over the airfoil).

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
He's asking for the 2 main forces at take off...thrust and lift are overcoming drag and weight...they would be the 2 main forces at take off...I think.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
That's right grandpa, thrust and lift are the things that make a plane fly!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Itz when atnana and chrisina jump it helpz ... It also helpz wen you put your seatbelt on. !!!! Peace !! And love !!!!p.s ahhhhhh I frgt my english buk tdy grampa !!!

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