What do you think of Tesla Motors Model S P85D earning a "perfect" score from Consumer Reports? Well - it earned 103 out of 100 on their scoring system. Do you think Consumer Reports will change their scoring system, now?


3 Answers

crow robot Profile
crow robot answered

It appears a change may be needed as tesla went above and beyond

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

From all that I've read about the Tesla models, they are going to be the wave of the future. Tesla has shown the big car companies that they can build a superior product while all the others are mired down to the oil companies. Good for them ! Now to just make them affordable to more people !

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

Not really, since Tesla has always been a class of it's own. Until you can get another car that drives like a Tesla, I would say the scoring should stay that way. Before I thought the novelty would die off after awhile. That I would soon miss a roaring engine, shifting knobs, and pressing the clutch pedal. But nope. Every morning is literally a roller coaster ride going up the on-ramp. I mean sure playing with the oversize Ipad is fun, but that wears off. The interior is worse than my Audi. The handling is meh. Though that grip on a tight corner is ... whewwww.  But nothing really replaces the moment when you acceleraaaaaaaate.

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